Liberty or Lockdown
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Huck and Dave discuss local elections with Republican Candidates and Delegates. Specail Republican Delegate Elections are held March 19, 2024. Please vote FOR MARTHA HUCKABAY I am a two time Presidential Congressional Delgate for President Donald J. Trump 2016 & 2020. Polling Location for Congressional Delegates: 3801 N. Causeway Blvd. Suite 302, Metairie, LA. 70002.… Continue Reading LIBERTY OR LOCKDOWN-MARCH 14, 2024
ER physician in Texas for 30 years. Trauma Instructor of ER physicians. First successful COVID protocol for both early and late stages of Covid-19 using inhaled Budesonide. Silver Bullet Protocol was validated by Oxford University. Over 90% COVID Hospitalizations, ER visits and Urgent Care Visits prevented according to Oxford University STOIC RCT. Millions of lives… Continue Reading LIBERTY OR LOCKDOWN- MARCH 7, 2024
Dr Stella Immanuel was a leader in the fight against Covid and the false information the media put out regarding Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine. Dr, Stella Immanuel never stopped working to protect the citizens of the United States and is still sharing how to live a healthy life and how to become a prepper. Short Bio:… Continue Reading LIBERTY OR LOCKDOWN- FEBURARY 29, 2024
Dr. McCullough is an internist, cardiologist, epidemiologist holding degrees from Baylor University, University of Texas Southwestern Medical School, University of Michigan, and Southern Methodist University. He manages common infectious diseases as well as the cardiovascular complications of both the viral infection and the injuries developing after the COVID-19 vaccine in Dallas TX, USA. He has… Continue Reading LIBERTY OR LOCKDOWN-FEBURARY 22, 2024
Welcome to Liberty or Lockdown! Join Huck and Dave as the give the WGSO listening audience some updates about the current political issues going on in the state of Louisiana.
Welcome to Liberty or Lockdown. Tonight, Huck and Dave talk about everything political from a local standpoint, and Huck also discusses the importance of knowing your local candidates who could possibly represent your state. Go to for more.
Welcome to Liberty or Lockdown. Today Huck & Dave discuss everything political from a local and national level. Today on liberty or Lockdown Huck and Dave welcome MAGA Conservative Ms. Sharayah Solomon she will be joining Huck and Dave expressing her thoughts about current political issues.
Welcome to Liberty or Lockdown with radio show host Huck & Dave discuss everything political from a local and national standpoint!. Huck and Dave talk with Michael Pedalino Jefferson Parish School Board member. You are welcome to join us at Women’s Republican Club of New Orleans Luncheon Friday, Jan. 19th, 11-1PM $45 RSVP: www.LibertyorLockdown.Live… Continue Reading LIBRTY OR LOCKDOWN- JANUARY 18,2024
Huck and Dave talk politics, Republican Open Primaries versus Closed Primaries, and Redistricting with Chairwoman Lenar Whitney, and Legislative Liaison Susie Labry.
Huck and Dave talk current events. Election Fraud investigations continue. Louisiana Judicial systems need reform especially 24th Judicial Family Courts. J6ers film released. The Epoch Times (@EpochTimes) posted at 3:14 PM on Tue, Dec 26, 2023: “ALL Americans need to see this film. This information can SAVE America.” Many people asked us to make this film… Continue Reading LIBERTY OR LOCKDOWN- DECEMBER 28, 2023